The 4 Gospels Challenge

From December 11, 2016 until May 21, 2017, we will be exploring the earthly life and ministry of the Jesus Christ.  The Four Gospels will be our primary focus in our preaching and teaching, Fellowship Groups, House of Prayer, and much more.  Therefore, Pastor Bryan is challenging us to one of 3 challenges (and one more unofficial encouragement).  

Challenge #1.  Read all four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) by January 1st.  

Challenge #2. Read all four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) by Easter ((April 16, 2017). 

Supper Challenge.  Read all four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) each three times by Easter (April 16, 2017).  

One more suggested encouragement: Invite others to be our guest as we look at the life of Jesus Christ. 

Are you up for the challenge? 


The Faith of the Shepherds


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