30 Days of Prayer is Over: Now What?
It is our hope and prayer that the last 30 days of prayer has impacted your life in significant ways.
But now what?
Hopefully by now you've come to a deeper and more robust conviction that prayer isn't just a position but rather a disposition, or in other words, the prevailing tendency of your life in utter dependence upon God for your every need. Unlocked by the merits of Jesus Christ alone, prayer is the unlimited access to God we all desperately need and long for. We hope to encourage you to continue to fan into flame a passion for a lifestyle of praying without ceasing as the apostle Paul exhorted us to do also (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
Here are some recommended resources to help you stay focused and intentional:
1. Practice Praying Daily
There's no shortcut to becoming a man or woman of prayer. It takes dedicated time every day where we seek His face, confess our sins, and pray boldly for His involvement in every detail of our lives. Whatever your routine is, find one! Get up early...stay up late...do whatever it takes to make prayer a daily habit.
2. Pray for Your Neighborhood
Pray4EveryHome.com is one of the most helpful prayer resources we've come across in a long time. First of all it's completely free! All you do is sign up with your email, put in your home address, and then each morning you'll receive an email with 5 of your closest neighbors' names, a prayer prompt, and usually a Scripture reference. This is genius! If you do this every day, you'll end up praying for your closest neighbors over 18 times in one year! Add to this an interactive and customizable prayer list, this resource should be on your radar as you seek to make disciples and live like a missionary right where God has already placed you.
In addition, after you've prayed for your neighbors there's no better way to join God in what He's already doing than by regularly prayer walking your neighborhood. Watch for God to move as you pray for your neighbors. Look for opportunities to bless and serve your neighbors.
3. Keep Reading!
There are hundreds of books on prayer. Keep in mind, there's no point in reading about prayer and not actually practicing prayer. That being said, there's no harm in reading what other Christians have learned about prayer throughout their lifetime as well.
Here are our top suggestions for every Christian:
1. Prayer: The Timeless Secret of High Impact Leaders by Dave Earley
2. The Power of Prayer by R.A. Torrey
3. Why Revival Tarries by Leonard Ravenhill
4. The Ministry of Intercession by Andrew Murrary
5. Too Busy Not to Pray by Bill Hybels
6. The Power of Prayer and Fasting by Ronnie Floyd
7. The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson