End of Year Support

At Redeeming Life Church, we seek to see Salt Lake City redeemed by the power of the Gospel.  Your faithful tithes and offerings have greatly helped to financially fund our mission.  Many one-time gifts have helped too!   And of course, we couldn't have done what we've done this year without the help of some faithful church and individual partners.  Thank you! 

We are working hard toward self-sustainability, but we still have some growing to do before we get there.  And it's not just about the missional expenses.  There are little things, like coffee, toilet paper, stamps, heat, and so-on.  As we look to close out 2016 in the black and move into 2017 funded for God's mission, we hope you'll consider making a special one-time, tax-deductible gift to the mission of Redeeming Life Church.  

You may mail checks to:

Redeeming Life Church
901 Nocturne Dr. 
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116

Or give on-line here.  

*Checks must be postmarked no later than 11:59pm, December 31st in order to be recorded as 2016 giving.  On-line giving must be done prior to the same deadline. 

In addition, please remember that Pastor Brett Ricley is a missionary serving alongside our church.  He is able to serve with us because of faithful giving throughout the year.  If you'd like to make a one-time gift of support or consider supporting him in 2017, you can find more info here

Thanks for your generosity! 
Pastor Bryan Catherman


Baptism Service - January 29th


Our Christmas Gathering