Cooperating With the UISBC and SLBA
Did you know we tithe on the tithes and offerings given by our congregation? We've been doing it since Day-One of Redeeming Life's existence. We believe that just like the individual and the family unit our church is called upon to trust God with the resources he has provided and give back the first fruits. We give 10% of what our church receives in general giving, that is, in the offering. We tithe on the tithe.
Of that 10%, 70% is sent to the Cooperative Program of the Utah-Idaho Southern Baptist Convention and 30% is sent to the Salt Lake Baptist Association. In addition, our members voted that above the 10% tithe we send in partnership with the UISBC and the SLBA, we are also collecting .25% to use at a point in the future for foreign missions, .25% to use for local missions (somewhere in the US), and .25% for a future church plant. While these are very small amounts today, we hope to increase these percentages each year as we try to be faithful and generous as we partner with the Mission of God.
The Utah-Idaho Southern Baptist Convention and the Salt Lake Baptist Association are partnerships that we've entered into with other like-minded churches in order to see the gospel advance in our city and state. In addition, the Cooperative Program (CP, for short) is what actually funds the Southern Baptist work nationally. It helps Pastor Brett, Pastor Jared, and me get a discount on our education at Golden Gate. Redeeming Life Church has received missions grants from the UISBC. And the CP has greatly helped support our church financially. Here's a brief video about the CP that was created in 2014:
I'm proud of our partnership with the UISBC and SLBA. I'm also thrilled that we are a church that gives 7% of our general giving to the Cooperative Fund. (Many SBC churches don't even give 1%). You guys are a generous church and I'm thankful to be your pastor.
If you have any questions about the UISBC, SLBA, CP, or our involvement with these team efforts for the Kingdom, please don't hesitate to contact me.
For the Kingdom!
Pastor Bryan