This Sunday: The Parable of the Talents
This Sunday (Feb. 5th) I will be preaching on the parable of the talents from Matthew 25:14-30.
I’d like to encourage and challenge you to read it multiple times this week and be prepared to hear from the Lord about how it applies to your life.
In this fascinating parable, Jesus tells a story about a Master giving his servants various amounts of talents. The term “talents” was first used for a unity of weight, then for a unit of coins. The present-day use of “talent” as an ability comes from this parable. As you read and meditate on this parable this week, think about what Jesus is saying to you about taking responsibility for your time, money, and abilities.
The two immediate questions that arise out of this text are:
1. Am I faithfully serving Jesus, His Kingdom, and His people with the gifts, abilities, and talents He has entrusted me with?
2. Am I disobediently squandering the gifts, abilities, and talents He has entrusted to me? If so, why? Laziness? Apathy? Rebellion?
These are powerful questions that demand our time in wrestling with them honestly. I know there are areas in my life that I am NOT using to their full potential due to fear and disobedience.
What about you?
What area(s) do you know God has given your gifts, abilities, and talents yet for whatever reason you're not using them to serve Jesus, His Kingdom, or His people?
It is my hope and my daily prayer is that no matter what type of gifts, talents, and abilities you've been given that you would faithfully use those to bring glory and honor to our King Jesus.
Spend some time reflecting on:
1. What are my talents and abilities?
2. What gifts have I received from God that could be used to bless others around me?
3. Why am I unwilling to use all that I am and all that I have to serve my King?
4. Am I willing to move in this direction and apply this timeless truth to my life this week?
Here are some additional questions for your fellowship group or personal study to meditate on and apply to your personal walk with Jesus this week:
1. In this parable, what were the master’s expectations of his servants while he was away?
2. If the Master returned today, what would He say about how you’ve used what He has given you? How have you developed it? What kind of responsibility do you feel towards God regarding your talents?
3. What would help you to better use your talents and abilities for God more: to recognize them? to be more responsible? to step out in faith more often? to trust God more?
4. What does sharing in your Master’s happiness mean to you?
For the Kingdom,
Pastor Brett Ricley