
This Sunday, I'm going to open Habakkuk, a book that teaches us to trust God even when God seems unresponsive or unfair.  Habakkuk was a guy who looked around and saw problems.  Like Job, he cried out to God with something of a complaint.  Also like Job, he learned a great deal when God responded.  

Most of us can relate to Habakkuk.  He saw a world full of violence and injustice.  It didn't seem right, and he asked God how it could be so.  I've asked God the same question.  Have you?  Habakkuk learned, as we'll see, that regardless of our assessment of the situation God is still in control.   Whether we feel it or now, it's true.  And whether we would do it differently than God does, we must come to see that God is working out his purposes in all of this crazy mess.  

There are two verses in Habakkuk that undoubtedly worth memorizing.  Habakkuk 2:4 tells us that the righteous shall live by his faith.  This statement is quoted a few times in the New Testament.  The other notable statement is found in Habakkuk 3:18.  It reads, "I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation." 

As you prepare to hear from God's Word in Habakkuk, here's a great overview video: 

Church, I want to remind you that it is okay to look around and be confused or frustrated by what we see around us.  Habakkuk did.  He even challenged God.  However, we must also be ready to see what God would have us see.  I also want to encourage you to take your joy in the one who saves you, adopts you as his own, and loves you--the Lord our God.  We might not understand, but that doesn't mean we can't trust God.  

I hope to see you Sunday, if not before.  I'm praying for you as you serve our Great King.  You are a reflection of Jesus' light in dark places.  Your co-workers probably struggle to see how God is good when there is so much violence and injustice all around them.  Let them know that Habakkuk had the same issue and it's okay.  Let them know that God is happy to take that issue up with them if they bring it before him.  And by all means, don't hesitate to invite them to explore this book with us on Sunday.  See you then! 

For the Kingdom! 
Pastor Bryan 


FBC Sutherlands Springs and the Gospel

