Are you on The City?


We use The City as our official on-line communication tool.  We share all that's going on on The City.  We also share information for Fellowship Groups, additional info on the week's sermon, prayer requests, way's to get connected, and so much more.  

There are things here that won’t be announced on Sunday morning or appear in the bulletin.  We don’t put all our announcements on Facebook and don’t plan to. We don't even put it all here.  And nobody has the time to text, email, and call everybody based on personal preferences.  So The City is the single best place for our church to share information.  

Are you on The City?  You can join here

The City can send you an email when new stuff is posted in each of your groups.  It can even send you an email when people comment on the posts and prayer requests.  That being said, it can be annoying when messages from The City bombard your email box.  At the same time, you want to keep up with what’s going on.  

The Daily Digest might be your solution! 

I use the daily digest for most groups in The City.  I get a single email with all the updates for that day.  I can skim over the various activity and click on anything I want to read in more detail.  Some groups, however, have timely posts and prayer requests so I’ve set those groups to email me immediately.  You can find information about how to set up your notifications for a daily digest on The City.  

Please, get on The City if you're not already set up and then set your email notifications in such a way that you can stay informed and stay connected with our Redeeming Life faith family.  Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions or need help getting set up on The City.  

For the Kingdom!
Pastor Bryan 


The Wind & The Waves Obey Him


Do You Want to Be Healed?