We Need More Jesus Storybook Bibles!

At Redeeming Life Church, we love the Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones. We love to see families--some who know Jesus, some who don't--reading this book to their entire household. We give this out to people who don't know Jesus and sometimes they end up getting saved and start following Jesus.  We love that every story is about Jesus and we love giving the Jesus Storybook Bible out to families who need to meet and trust Jesus. 

Since we started Redeeming Life Church, we've given away more than 200 of these Bibles.  People from all over the country have sent us money and Bibles to use in Salt Lake as we seek to push back lostness, and we are extremely grateful.  

But we've reached the bottom of our supply.

Is God calling you to join us in our mission to see Salt Lake redeemed by the power of the gospel?  Maybe God is calling your small group or Sunday school class to help out?  Maybe your children?  He just might be and it's really simple.  We need funds to purchase more Jesus Storybook Bibles.  Or you can purchase one or two or even a case and ship them too us. 

Checks and Jesus Storybook Bibles may be sent to: 

Redeeming Life Church
901 Nocturne Drive
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116

Or you may make an on-line donation here. (Be sure to select the "Outreach & Evangelism" option in the dropdown window.)   

We are so thankful for your partnership in this endeavor to share a gospel message of hope with a city that doesn't know Jesus.  Thank you! 

On behalf of Redeeming Life Church, 
Pastor Bryan Catherman


Jesus, the Master Chef (John 11:1-44)


Mountaintop Moments (Matthew 17:1-13)