Arin Needs Your Support!

Arin Harrison is our Women's Ministry Intern and a missionary serving with Redeeming Life Church in Salt Lake City. She's here for six months if she has the funds to eat and put gas in her car.  Please keep praying for her and her ministry, and if God is calling you to do so, we'd like you to support Arin financially. And we're raising money so she can host Redeeming Life's first women's retreat.

Watch this short video for more information: 

There are two ways give Arin financial support: 

  1. CHECKS: Make checks out to Redeeming Life Church and put "Intern Stipend" in the memo line (tax laws prohibit her name anywhere on the check, so please do not write anything except Intern Stipend in the memo line).  Send check to:                     
         Redeeming Life Church
         901 Nocturne Drive
         Salt Lake City, UT 84116
  2.  ONLINE GIVING: Click here and when you get to the site, select the "Intern Stipend" drop-down option). 

We know Arin is so grateful for your prayers and support, and we are too.  We love having Arin serving with us. (And we're praying she stays in Utah after her internship. Will you join us in that prayer too! 

Sign up for Arin's news letter here. (By following the link, you can also follow her on Facebook and Instagram.)

Thank you so much for your support! 
Pastor Byan and Pastor Brett 


God's Opportunity to Join Him


Simplicity (Ecclesiastes 7:29)