Developing Future Utah Ministers
Whether you are a member of the Redeeming Life faith-family or you partner with us, your involvement is part of our effort to equip future pastors, ministers, biblical counselors, and church planters in Utah. We have an unusually large staff for a church of our size, for this purpose. I learned this 'boots-on-the-ground' method in the army, and then I learned how to apply it to the ministry context at Risen Life when I was a young, developing pastor. It worked. So we use the same method to train up leaders from within our local church and the local community of believers.
Five other staff members join me around the table at Redeeming Life. Pastor Brett started as in intern. He was feeling something deep in his core that wasn't developed. With room to grow and explore, he has become a remarkable evangelist and is growing into an expert and local missiologist. He raises his support to serve in this mission field. Together, we are striving to develop the others.
We have a bi-vocational young man who's nearly finished with Bible college. He's read many books, has watched even more videos, he listens to apologetics podcasts, and now he needs a place to put some practice to all the information he's crammed into his head. I remember this stage of growth--guys with national ministries are the most exciting thing there is. The fire to make a mark on the world is overwhelming, but focus is necessary. There's an odd itch to argue and fight to test the knowledge, like a young buck with a new set of antlers. It's hard to critically process all that's coming in over the internet without some practical experience. It's a wonderful but critical time in a young pastor's life. He's a local guy, born and raised right in the community where we minister.
God's calling another Utah man to minister in this area. He's also bi-vocational and has a bright future for the Kingdom. Hungry to learn, he passionately reads every book I recommend, and the list is long. He's watching my old seminary videos and developing into a local pastor with a passion to reach local people. His eagerness to learn is encouraging and gives me confidence in his future ministry.
We have a young woman who recently completed a degree in counseling and social work. Out of school, she's now in the school of life, putting to practice what she's learned in the classroom. She's presently our women's ministry intern and raises her own support to serve with us.
Our young bi-vocational worship leader is growing through experimentation and a catalyst training offered through NAMB. He drives a many miles to serve in our mission field, which is another way we see his drive and heart for our mission. Also, two of our staff guys have previously been our worship leaders, and they're walking alongside him too. Beyond those sitting around the staff table, we are developing lay leaders through opportunities.
Redeeming Life Church desires to be a training ground for the future of Salt Lake City, Utah, and beyond. We could sent people away to seminary for a few years, but that takes them out of the mission field, and sometimes, they don't come back. Your partnership helps us accomplish this mission, boots-on-the-ground, where the work is needed most. Your help allows us to raise up ministers from within the local harvest. Our church family offers grace and encouragement to these growing ministers, and our partners provide so many resources to help make this happen. Of course, this kind of training takes time and resources--two things a bi-vocational team lacks. Therefore, any help you might provide by partnering with us is appreciated and helps advance the Kingdom in this dry part of the Lord's vineyard. Thank you. (Follow this link for more information on partnering with us.)
For the Kingdom!
Pastor Bryan Catherman