Welcome to the Team Zak Harris!
God is on the move and we're feeling that 2019 is going to be a remarkable year at Redeeming Life Church. As I've been looking out to the horizon and seeking God's vision for what's coming, I'm reminded more and more that church-planting in Utah only happens by the marvelous power of God. I am also more broken than ever over the lostness in Utah and the great need to shepherd the disciples well at Redeeming Life.
There are 80,000 people living in the specific mission area we are trying to reach, and research suggests over 78,400 of them do not have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Even more challenging is the very small handful of believers trying to reach into the darkness with the light of Christ. If we are really going to be able to saturate this area with the gospel, we are going to need a lot of support and many mission teams from outside our state. But coordinating a single short-term mission trip takes a lot of work. (If you’ve ever led one, you know.) Receiving the mission team is just as much work. Now multiply that by the number of mission teams and supporting churches necessary to reach this parched part of the Lord's vineyard. It's overwhelming, so I've been praying my face off. And God is answering!
Please join me in welcoming Zak Harris to our team at Redeeming Life Church. Zak is going to serve as a self-supported, part-time missionary working with us to help coordinate our mission and evangelism work. This work is vital to what we’re doing and we need Zak’s help.
Zak's from Utah and a member at Redeeming Life. But Zak is also the Operations Director at Healing Nations, an organization that serves to connect church across the US with mission fields around the globe. Coordinating mission teams and mission logistics is what Zak does. And what he does and has learned in that work is what we are hoping he can bring to our mission.
We need Zak's help! And maybe with Zak's help, we can bring on more support and more mission teams. But in the meantime, we need to raise support for Zak as he brings his knowledge, skill, and God-given gifts to the team. We need to raise funds so he can assist us with our current partners and incoming mission teams. (Partners and incoming mission teams, we love you and I'll be doing some introductions with Zak in January.)
Here's where you can help. Might you be willing to join what God is doing in on our mission field? Please pray for Zak and our mission. Please consider coming to Utah on a short-term mission trip. And please consider helping us compensate Zak for a few hours per week so he can give us dedicated time and help. Please join Redeeming Life Church to see Salt Lake redeemed by the power of the gospel.
One easy way you can partner with us is by supporting our ministry that allows us to have Zak working on our team.
There are three ways you can make a donation:
1. Donate on Realm, our online communication system by following this link. (Please select the Outreach and Evangelism drop-down option). You will also have the option of setting up a reoccurring donation, if you’d like.
2. If you would prefer to give via text messaging, you may send a text stating "RLC Outreach $(amount you desire to give)" to 73256. The system will send you a temporary, secure link so you can complete the transaction and receive a receipt.
3. Or you may send a check with “Outreach” to:
Redeeming Life Church
901 Nocturne Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84116.
Thank you for partnering with us in God's mission to see Salt Lake City redeemed by the power of the Gospel.
For the Kingdom!
Pastor Bryan Catherman