Training the Next Generation of Pastors
At Redeeming Life Church, we sincerely desire to see our church grow to the point that we can send out disciples makers to an area where there's not a church, to make disciples and plant a new church. We hope to repeat that process many times, and we hope the new churches do the same. But to do this, we must train up more pastors.
At Redeeming Life, we have a staff. Yes, we're a church plant with a staff. We can't pay that staff because we're a cash-strapped church plant that still depends on the support of other partners and churches. (Pastor Brett raises financial support, as do I.) The others on our staff are bi-vocational and co-vocational. They are training and growing in preparation for something God might call them to in the future. And they are serving at Redeeming Life right now.
Pastor Derek is our Pastor of Worship. This Sunday, he'll preach from 1 Corinthians 15 as we continue in our series, "Messy Church." He's a good preacher, and this is another opportunity for him to bless us and continue sharpening his skills.
If you're at Redeeming Life Church, please read 1 Corinthians 15 before Sunday. Don't let the worship service be the first time in a long while that you've read the chapter. Be ready to respond to what God may speak to you. Also, please keep Pastor Derek in your prayers--this week and as he continues to develop as a leader and pastor.
If you're not at Redeeming Life, but you live in the area and are not connected to a local Christian church, please consider joining us. We meet at 11 am at 2070 N. Redwood Road on Sunday mornings.
If you aren't in the area and you're connected with a local church, consider partnering with us. Your partnership will help us continue reaching Salt Lake with the gospel as well as help us train up future pastors and church planters. Or many you feel called to grow as a pastor, and you'd like to discuss a residence with us, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We can't pay you, but we can provide you with many opportunities to learn, serve, and grow.
For the Kingdom!
Pastor Bryan
P.S> Here's a short video with additional updates for Sunday and things coming soon.