Advent: "Hope" (Isaiah 9:6-7)

We’ve started a new series called “Advent” and we’re following the traditional Advent calendar. The weekly focus is Hope (promise), Preparation (waiting), Joy (peace), Love (adoration), Christ (Savior), and Life in Christ (preserving). Each of these will be preached on Sunday as we light a candle, which exception to our Eve of Eve service on December 23rd at 6:30 PM. And you may have noticed that we’ll go one week beyond Christmas day. The entire month of December is dedicated to this series.

In this first sermon in the series, Pastor Bryan preached Isaiah 9:6-7. The topic is hope. This Text answers many questions but in this sermon, we explored three: 1. From where does our hope come from? 2. Who is the hero of our hope? And 3. What is the extent of the hero of our hope?

Listen to Pastor Bryan’s sermon, “Hope” (Isaiah 9:6-7) here:

Listen to the entire current series or find sermons from past series sermon archives on this website. And subscribe our sermon feed on iTunes, Google Music, Spotify, TuneIn, or on the RSS feed and never miss a sermon!


Advent: "Prepare!" (Isaiah 40:3-5)


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