3 Prayer Requests and a Big 2019 Mission Vision

We planned an extra-aggressive mission goal for 2019. With two full-time fundraising guys excited about planting thousands of gospel seeds on the west side of Salt Lake, we recruited a large bunch of great mission teams to come help us. Then Brett moved to Iowa. So the mission just got much more challenging. We need to pray more now than ever, but we still believe the vision God gave us is what we need to shoot for in 2019.

In this video, Pastor Bryan shares the goals for our mission in 2019 and asks us to pray about three specific things:

Here are three ways to pray:

1. Please pray that we are able to raise support for Sarah Powers to have more time doing field work. She’s a missionary working along side us to help us get the gospel out to our community.

2. Please pray for our mission teams. Thank God for the churches who are partnering with us for the sake of the gospel in Utah. Some offer monthly support to help us year round, which is an amazing gift of God through these churches. All of these teams are bringing groups ready to labor for the gospel. They are praying to see God do great things here. Please keep these teams in your prayers, even now as they are preparing for their mission trips to help us in Utah.

3. Please continue to pray for your own opportunities. Pray God opens up opportunities in your neighborhoods and workplaces for you to share the gospel many times in 2019. Pray people you know get saved and you are able to start discipling with them this year. What a great way to join the mission of God!


"Joy Through Repentance" (2 Cor. 7:2-16)


"Not In Vain" (2 Corinthians 6:1-7:1)