"The Empty Tomb Means a Full Community" (Acts 2)

Easter is a day of wonderful celebration; however, every day is Easter for the follower of Jesus Christ. The one who believes in the empty tomb has a full soul as the Holy Spirit testifies to his or her spirit. On Easter Sunday, Pastor Bryan Catherman showed us that Easter is not just about the individual, it’s also about community. The empty tomb means a full community. The work on the cross is creating a faith-family. In Christ, we get to be adopted into God’s family and then be sons or daughters of God. The tomb is about so much more than the 1 lost sheep that Jesus left the 99 to find. It’s about that one, being brought back into the flock of the 99 in safety. It’s about God’s community. It’s about heaven being populated. This is Easter and this is what Pastor Bryan preached as he opened to Acts 2 to show us what Scripture says about community. You can listen to his Easter sermon, “The Empty Tomb Means a Full Community” here.

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New Series: "The Commands of Christ"


"My Sin Killed Jesus" (Acts 2:22-24)