The Commands of Christ

Throughout Jesus’ earthly ministry, he spoke several imperatives, that is, commands. These commands are steps for the Christian to follow in order to grow more like Christ and live out the Christian journey well. In this series, we walked through some of those commands. You can listen to all the sermons of this series, “The Commands of Christ” with the links below.

“Repent and Believe”
Mark 1:14-15 (Listen Here)
4/28/2019, Pastor Bryan Catherman

“Be Baptized”
Matthew 28:19 (Listen Here)
5/5/2019, Pastor Bryan Catherman

Matthew 6:5-8 (Listen Here)
5/12/2019, Pastor Bryan Catherman

“Make Disciples”
Matthew 28:19-20 (Listen Here)
5/19/2019, Pastor Bryan Catherman

“Endure to the End”
Luke 21:19 (Listen Here)
5/26/2019, Pastor Bryan Catherman

“Love One Another”
John 13:31-35 (Listen Here)
6/2/2019, David Gantenbein (Guest Preacher)

Matthew 6:1-4 (Listen Here)
6/9/2019, Pastor Bryan Catherman

“Gather at the Table With the Saints”
Hebrews 10:24-25 & Matthew 26:26-28 (Listen Here)
6/16/2019, Pastor Bryan Catherman

Listen to the entire current series or find sermons from past series sermon archives on this website.  And subscribe our sermon feed on iTunesGoogle Music, SpotifyTuneIn, or on the RSS feed and never miss a sermon! 


"Do you Believe the Bible is True?"


Commands of Christ: "Gather at the Table with the Saints"