New State Guidelines Means Updated Protocols

The Utah state COVID guidelines and mandates have changed. By the Utah Governor's order, masks may be required based on different conditions. Churches are exempt from this Health Order; however, Redeeming Life will follow the Order’s general guideline for the specific transmission level for our county. Below are our COVID procedures per each transmission level. As of 10/16, Davis County is at level - moderate.

High. Masks are mandatory at all times while in the church building. There will be no serving of food or drinks. Six-foot social distancing must be maintained between household groups. Congregating in the building is not permitted. Good hygiene, hand washing, and sanitizing is highly encouraged. Anyone who is high-risk, has been exposed to COVID, is or has recently been sick with the COVID, the Cold, or the FLU should remain home and watch the services on our YouTube Live-Stream.

Moderate. We ask that you wear a mask while entering and exiting the building or congregating anywhere other than in your seat. Volunteers and leaders must wear masks while serving in the building. Food or drinks may be offered under strict caution and care. Six-foot social distancing must be maintained between household groups. You may congregating in the building if you maintain social distancing and wear a mask. Good hygiene, hand washing, and sanitizing is highly encouraged. Anyone who is high-risk, has been reasonably exposed to COVID, is or has recently been sick with the COVID, the Cold, or the FLU should remain home and watch the services on our YouTube Live-Stream.

Low. Masks are required when 6-foot social distancing isn’t possible. Food or drinks may be offered in the building. Six-foot social distancing must be maintained between household groups when masks are not worn. You may congregate in the building— maintaining social distancing or wearing a mask when social distancing is not possible. Good hygiene, hand washing, and sanitizing is highly encouraged. Anyone who is high-risk, has been reasonably exposed to COVID, is or has recently been sick with the COVID, the Cold, or the FLU should remain home and watch the services on our YouTube Live-Stream.

Thank you for helping us say open and keep our congregation safe.

For the Kingdom!
Pastor Bryan


Preparing for the Lord's Day, 10/18


We're Hiring a Worship Leader / Missionary