Eve of Eve 2020: "Christ"

We concluded or 2020 Advent series on the evening of December 23rd in a special Christmas service we call “Eve of Eve.” In this service, we worshiped the Lord in song, Scripture reading, preaching, and prayer. Pastor Robbie Tschorn lead us in 7 Christmas worship songs. Bert Mortensen, Patrick Miller, and Brian Davis read Scripture. Krystyl Walker and Meg Tschorn offered prayers. And three preachers preached one sermon with one, single message. Pastor Mike Pless, Josiah Walker, and Pastor Bryan Catherman preached a message of Christ from multiple Scriptures.

If you would like to listen to the sermon, “Christ”, you can listen to the three preachers here:

You can watched the three preachers’ sermon here:

Of if you’d like to see and hear the singing, prayers, readings, and the entire live-stream, it’s available here:

If you’d like to listen to the sermon through your podcast app, subscribe to our sermon feeds on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, TuneIn, on the RSS feed, or wherever you listen to podcast and never miss a sermon! Do you prefer watching the sermon on YouTube? Consider subscribing to our channel here and find all of Redeeming Life's videos here.


Announcement of Ministries for 12/27/2020


Q&A: Why Do Some Worship Lyrics Need Changed?