Church Communication Resources

Staying informed is a good way to stay plugged in with Redeeming Life.   We have a few communication tools to help you know what's going on.  Below is a list of those tools, what we use each tool for, and how you can use these tools to stay in the know. 

Sunday Announcements of Ministries
Before our Call to Worship on Sunday mornings, we'll announce a small selection of ministry happenings.  For the sake of time, it's very selective and involves the entire church.  There are also announcement slides scrolling on the screens (and live-stream) before the worship service starts.  At times, there may be a video.   If this is your only source of church info, it will be very limited. 

Realm is our primary on-line communication tool.  It's used for and by the entire church, but it is also loaded with subgroups based on Fellowship Groups or special needs and topics.  The more groups you join, the more you'll be informed.  Your Fellowship Group leader may post to your Fellowship Group, others may make prayer requests, or the pastors could be sharing events and other announcements.  You can log into Realm with an internet browser, have Realm email you based on your preferences, or use the Connect-Realm App on your smart phone. 

 If you are not on Realm, you should be. To set up an account, go to our website,  Next, click on "Connect" in the menu, then "Realm."  Once there, select the bold line that says "Sign up for a Realm account or sign in here."  (Note: You must sign in with a internet browser BEFORE trying to sign in with the App.  Realm is used for financial giving, children's check-in, and other secure things, so it has a system that must maintain security. After you've set up an account, you can log in with the Realm-Connect App. )  

Website News
 Here, on our website (, we have a tab that says News.  It's exactly that.  This tab shares news and announcements with the world.  You can find links to the live-stream, past sermons, announcements, and other church-related news.  

Social Media
We post various news and announcements via our social media outlets (which is probably how you found this post).  Of the various social media we use, our Facebook Page  probably contains the most information.  You should find our page and click to follow it so you know a little more about what's happening at Redeeming Life.  We also post other things, to include news and announcements, to our YouTube Channel,  VimeoInstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn.  If you use any of these, it would be helpful to follow us on these social media sources.  

Call Multiplier
Call Multiplier is a phone and text system that allows us to send recorded phone calls and texts to anyone in the system or a subgroup.   Apart from a church-wide emergency, we only send calls or texts to subgroups.  If you'd like to be included on our Call Multiplier list for emergencies, please let us know or contact Pastor Bryan or Pastor Mike privately.   

We also have a few Call Multiplier subgroups that serve to share specific information.   You may want to be a part of one or more of these groups:

Prayer and Care:   This Call Multiplier subgroup has been in use for some time by former Good Shepherd Fellowship and we're still using it.  If you're getting a recorded call from Pastor Mike about prayer requests, you're on the list.  If you're not getting these calls but you want to, we can put you on the list.  Let us know.  This is a classic "prayer chain" type call for somewhat-public prayer requests and needs of all sorts.  It's about a once or twice-weekly call, mostly from Pastor Mike.  

Announcement:  This is a new Call Multiplier group.  Pastor Bryan will call once per week, on Thursday or Friday, with a short recorded message about the various announcements for the week.  This is a good way to say informed.  On occasion, this could be a text too. 

Men of Redeeming Life/Women of Redeeming Life: These two Call Multiplier groups will be used for calls or texts about men's and women's ministries (as those are getting started.) 

 Parents: This is a Call Multiplier subgroup for parents so we can text or call with important information and updates about children's ministries.  

YouVersion Bible App
Did you know the YouVersion Bible App offers an event tab?  (It's under "more," then "events.")  If you find our event, you'll find Scripture, links, the live-feed, ways to give, worship song lyrics, reading plans, and much more.  It makes it easy to follow along with the worship service.  We also plan to add a section of news and announcements in each week's event.  

Pastor Bryan's Prayer-Partner Update Email
Pastor Bryan sends a monthly email to those who want to partner with Redeeming Life in prayer.  It's a short email with two pictures and one story about how God is answering prayer in our mission field.  It also includes a short list of prayer requests for our mission.  Sign up for this Prayer Partner Email here

Word of Mouth

This is where you can help!  You probably have friends who are also part of the Redeeming Life faith-family.  Be sure to let them know about events and info you believe they might be interested in.  You don't need to be a busybody, but be a friend.  And if you know others who may need to connect to something  you've seen in this post, let them know how to sign up or encourage them to contact Josiah Walker (our Minister of Community), Pastor Bryan, or Pastor Mike.  And consider adopting a couple of people who you check in on or call when you don't see them at church services. Or maybe you just call weekly.   

We hope this is helpful and assists you to be informed at Redeeming Life Church.


Weekly Worship Attendance is Good for Your Mental Health


Advent: "Peace" (Luke 2:8-14)