Service Modifications in Light of COVID-19

Redeeming Life Faith-Family,

COVID-19/Coronavirus has created circumstances that require flexibility and patience, but not fear and panic. Our hope, peace, and rest are found in Christ regardless of our situation. I believe--as John Calvin did regarding the plague--that this time serves as a stark reminder of man's need for God. In difficult times like these, God uses His people to proclaim the Gospel to draw fearful and dying souls to Himself.

Governor Herbert has asked that for a time, no gathering exceeds 100 people. Also, he has requested that people over 60 not gather in groups of 20 or more. Let me be clear: our government has not asked us to stop worshiping God or cease to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, to submit to our Governor's reasonable request and do our part to help our community, we will modify our worship gatherings for the next 3 weeks. Also, we want to stand in solidarity with the members of our faith family who are over 60.

Here's the plan.

1. We will not gather at the church building for the next three Sunday mornings. (March 15th, 22nd, and 29th.)

2. We will continue in our series through the Book of Mark. I will have a streaming sermon video on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel at 11 AM on Sunday mornings. Emily is building a song set list of 10 songs that we will make available on our YouTube Channel, Spotify, and Amazon Music.

3. If you are healthy (no colds, flu, or other sicknesses), I encourage you to gather with one or two other families in their home or yours. Listen to the worship songs and sing with the music (if you are comfortable singing). Pray together. Take the Lord's Supper together. One of you may need to get bread and juice. Do not forsake gathering with others in the Body during this time.

4. Lots of resources for study, prayer, worship, and discussion will be available on our Event in the YouVersion Bible App. Look for it as if you were attending services with us in the church building.

5. We will use a Zoom meeting space for our Prayer time at 10 AM. I will post the link in our House of Prayer group on Realm (and likely Facebook too!). Please consider joining, even if just to check in with each other.

6. Giving is still available on Realm, our website, and through texting. Giving is an act of worship, so let us continue worship as we do, even if we have to be flexible in how we do it during this trying season.

I hope you will continue worshiping our Lord faithfully as we make some adjustments to do our part. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. And remember to keep your brothers and sisters as well as unconverted family, neighbors, and co-workers in your prayers.

For the Kingdom!
Pastor Bryan Catherman


Mark: "Grieving Jesus with Your Hard Heart" (Mark 3:1-6)


Mark: "Lord of the Sabbath" (Mark 2:23-28)