Event: Selfish Potluck
[UPDATE: Due to unfriendly weather, we’re moving the Selfish Potluck
to Sunday, May 31st, at 5:30 PM.]
On Sunday, May 31st, Redeeming Life Church and Good Shepherd Fellowship are gathering for a selfish potluck. What's a selfish potluck? It's one where you bring food for you and your family and you share none of it with those outside your own household. Nor do you expect to eat any food brought by others. It's a COVID-19 safe potluck gathering.
We'll meet outside at the Good Shepherd building (696 E 400 N, Bountiful, UT 84010) on May 31st at 5:30 PM.
There will be spots on the grass, on the sidewalk, and in the parking lot at appropriate distances so we can maintain the 6-foot social distance guideline. Come sit on a blanket or camp chairs in the grass or on the sidewalk. Or if you'd prefer, your family can remain in your car (which we'll have you parked nearby.)
In addition, there will be some kind of program, but we're still working on the details. More than anything, we want to see each other and fellowship the best we can during this "Yellow" COVID season.
Bathrooms will be available but we'll need to be sure we maintain COVID-safe practices. Kids and adults of differing households must maintain a 6-foot distance at all times and masks are encouraged. If you have any symptoms of Coronavirus, we ask that you and your household remain home. Otherwise, we want you to join us!