The Road to Starting In-Person Worship Gatherings Again


Redeeming Life Faith-Family,

We have the great challenge that rather than just opening up in-person worship gatherings, we're also looking to merge two faith-families into one and move our property during this COVID season.  I am proud of you for baring these great difficulties well and honoring God through the process.  

I have a tentative plan to start gathering again, based on how circumstances play out and as more information becomes available.  

Who and what is shaping my thoughts?

I realize you've seen news stories on this channel or that, you've found something on the web or from a YouTube video, or you heard something new from Karen on Facebook.  These things shape our thoughts, indeed.  But for the sake of returning to in-person worship gatherings, I depend heavily on Romans 13:1-15:7 and prayer above everything else.  Unity among our faith-family is a great concern, as it doesn't honor God if our decisions cause us to be less unified in Christ.  Pastor Mike Pless' thoughts and conversations come next.  Then I look to discussions and guidance I get from our Elder Advisory Team.  As far as COVID information and guidelines, I am using the Utah State Coronavirus web site ( and the CDC website (, with more weight being given to the Utah site as they are the local authorities God has placed over us.   After this, I am watching what other churches are doing in Utah and looking for best practices and wisdom.  Then I'm looking at what other churches and pastors are doing nationally.  I've also been reading a great deal of Church history for guidance through past pandemics and wars.  I believe with all of these sources, in this order of priority, guided by the Holy Spirit, I have what I need to lead our congregation through this season.  

The Tentative Plan:
1. I will continue to do sermon videos through the book of Mark for a long while.  Even after we start gathering, I'll continue to record these for those who are not comfortable returning as soon as we start gathering.  

2. We will continue trying to get together (likely on Sunday evenings) for outdoor, social distanced, fellowship, prayer, and/or worship gatherings.  These are a little easier to get us together, depending upon the weather. 

3. Good Shepherd is meeting for an in-person gathering on June 7th at 11 AM.  My family and I plan to be there.  You are welcome and encouraged to join us.  Pastor Mike has a plan to social distance everyone.  But be aware that families will need to sit together, and there will be no children's ministry.  I intend to see how this goes, see the Good Shepherd congregation, and gain a better understanding of how we might start in-person gatherings on Sunday morning as we merge.  

4.  As we continue marching into June, we'll likely start a Sunday evening service.  I will keep preaching through Mark at this service but also continue to provide a recording as I presently am.  There still won't be children's ministry options yet.  

5. At some point, we’ll work with Good Shepherd to do morning gatherings together, safely. We’ll keep doing our evening services, as I hope ton continue the Sunday evening service and the Sunday morning service as a regular part of our ministry.

6.  After we merge, as I suspect we will, we'll gather a team of folks dedicated to children's ministry to start working on a safe plan to begin that when we can.  

All of this plan is dependent upon God's leading as we watch and pray over the next few weeks.  Please don't hesitate to ask any questions or share your thoughts.  And by all means, please keep praying! 

For the Kingdom! 
Pastor Bryan Catherman


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