Our Address Has Changed


We’ve moved out of both the rental space where we gathered for worship and our office space. We’re now in a single location that we’ve excited about and we’re working toward unifying with another church to become one faith-family. Our new address is:

Redeeming Life Church
696 N. 400 E.
Bountiful, Utah 84010

Thank you for your support. If you have been mailing support checks or your faithful tithes and offerings, thank you and please mail checks to our new address. Any mail on it’s way will automatically forward to the new address. If you have been giving on-line, we appreciate you. Thank you! For you, nothing has changed.

We’re still in the process of making these changes on our website and other materials. Google, Facebook, and other on-line sources may take some time to change, but we’re working on it.

Thank you!


Resources for Sunday, 6/14


The Lord's Day, 6/7 (Resources for In-Person and At-Home Worship)