Vote to Unify Redeeming Life Church and Good Shepherd Fellowship
Due to COVID/Coronavirus concerns, our Covenant Member's Family Meeting has been moved to an electronic format. We’re using the Realm group for our covenant members. In that group is a posted thread with a call for a vote to unify Redeeming Life Church and Good Shepherd Fellowship.
The Agreement for Unification has action steps for each respective church. These steps are spelled out in the document and the document is available in the Realm group.
If you are a covenant member at Redeeming Life Church, you should be able to see the post in the Covenant Member's group on Realm, you have been emailed, and a text message was sent to you. You have until August 7th for any questions, comments, and your vote to be posted.
If you are a Covenant Member, please take a moment to visit the Covenant Member's group on Realm. If you are not a member but interested in becoming a member, please contact Pastor Bryan.