"Exiles in an Alien Land" (1 Peter 1:1-2)
We’ve started a new 11-week series. We’ll be making our way through 1 Peter. It’s a wonderful book, written to encourage the discouraged. It serves to stir up and remind Christians that their home is the Kingdom of God. We’re pilgrims traveling through a strange land. In this, the first sermon of the series, Pastor Bryan expounds on the first two verses. His sermon, “Exiles in an Alien Land” (1 Peter 1:1-2 deals with the Order of Salvation, Social Justice, the Doctrine of Grace, Sanctification, God’s Foreknowledge, and a few other big theological doctrines. He discusses the gospel and provides some background info about Peter and the people who originally received this letter. You can watch or listen to the sermon here:
If you’d like to see the entire live-stream, to include Josiah Walker’s announcements and call to worship, and Pastor Robbie' Tschorn’s worship music leadership, check out the live-stream here:
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