This is Really About Us


We've watched police cars get flipped and burned. We've seen downtown squares occupied. Protests. Some peaceful, some violent. Riots. Broken glass. Painted streets. Now, we could be witnessing it again. Rather than offering my own opinion (and the Lord knows, I do have one), I'd like to provide a perspective from the Bible.

I often hear people say you won't find America in the Bible. That's not true. I can indeed find America in there, or at least a good description of America. Read the book of Judges. There she is! The theme you read over and over in Judges is, "And everyone did what was right in their own eyes." How about Romans 1? Or what about all those times God rebuked the nation of Isreal (and Judah after they had a civil war and split)? Sodom and Gomorrah? When Jesus wept over Jerusalem and prophesied her destruction because they did not recognize the time God visited them, he should just as quickly weep over America. If there's any difference, it might be that America is worse.

Oh, how sharp we are to argue that we're not that bad, but I challenge you to do an honest examination. Don't look at the protests and riots. Don't even look at the presidents and governors. Ignore the political parties and social media influencers. Don't bother with Hollywood. Instead, look into the heart of the people, starting with your own. That's what God examines.

Jesus knows the wicked heart of man and will not entrust himself to them (John 3:23-25). What is the condition of your heart?

Don't attempt to deflect an open trail of your own heart and mind. Stop pointing fingers unless your index finger is stabbing into your own chest. What is the condition of your heart and mind and soul before the judgment of God?

John Calvin is quoted as having said, "When God wants to judge a nation, he gives them wicked rulers." While one might think about a president or governor, I wonder if it might instead be all those who tempt us away from God. Social media influencers, sports figures, and celebrities. Like the Old Testament women, who quickly had the power to draw their husbands to false idols, many sing the siren's song, and many more listen. Or maybe the wicked leaders are those who preach ear-tickling messages of false or watered-down gospels, tempting people with prosperity, or even worse, encouraging them with spiritual apathy. Pray for me that I'm not one of these and never will be! And pray that God will raise up righteous leaders for his people.

While you watch the most recent events of America unfolding, the Bible challenges us to examine ourselves. In what ways are we tempted to do what is right in our own eyes? Are we quicker to share our opinion or judgment about others than we are to examine ourselves? Is Christ our hope? What sins are we harboring? Where do we come up short in our holiness? How are we doing as leaders, discipling others closer to Jesus? Are our affections and dedication on the Lord or the state of our nation?

Let us examine ourselves. And then let us and turn to the Lord and be saved.

Lord have mercy on us!
Pastor Bryan Catherman


Announcement of Ministries for 1/10/2021


"God's Word Changes Us" (Ezra 7:10)