Advent: "A Living Hope" (1 Peter 1:3-5)

On Sunday, Pastor Mike Pless preached 1 Peter 1:3-5. This was the first sermon in our Advent series and he titled it “A Living Hope.” In his series, Pastor Mike explored what it means that Christians have a living hope in Jesus. This living hope is in contrast to a dead hope. And he answered the question, “Why is this living hope so important?” If you weren’t able to join us, you can still listen to the sermon wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts, or you can listen with the audio player below. You can also watch the sermon or the entire service on the full-live stream recording.

“A Living Hope”
1 Peter 1:3-5 (Listen) (Watch) (Full Live-Stream)
11/28/2021, Pastor Mike Pless

If you are not a member or regular attender at Redeeming Life Church, we’d love to have you visit us. Our service are on Sunday’s at 11 AM.

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Announcement of Ministries for 12/5


Announcements of Ministries for 11/21/2021