Four Ways to Bless Our Community
Sunday is going to be a busy day in the lobby. There are things to pick up and take into the mission field with you, and there are cards for you to leave personal notes that Pastor Mike will take with him.
Here are four ways that Redeeming Life Church is seeking to bless our communities.
1. Hand Sanitizer. We were blessed with a couple hundred cases of hand sanitizer. Bottles and cases are available for you to take and give to your community. Take a bottle to work, give them to your neighbors, or take them to places in our community. Take a case or two for your library, kid's school, or anywhere else who would like one. Write something on the case like, "Blessings from Redeeming Life Church." This is a great opportunity to bless others and hopefully open doors for you to share the gospel.
2. Homeless Ca[R]e Packs. The senior adults packed homeless care packages. They in in a box in the lobby, ready for you to grab a couple. Put them in your car and give them out as the opportunity comes up. Typically, homeless people would rather use money for drugs rather than food and necessities. While some of the items in the bags could be traded for drugs, it's less likely. There are also tracts and gospel info. This is an easy way to bless a homeless person.
3. First Responder Cookie Trays. Pastor Mike is a chaplain to the various fire houses and police stations. In oder to come along side his ministry and bless those who serve us, we have cookie trays and thank you cards for them. On Sunday, come write personal thank you notes to be included with the cookie trays. You'll have to do this on Sunday morning because the trays are going out ASAP.
4. Dec. 23rd Christmas Special Invitation. Be sure to grab some December 23rd Christmas Special invitations for your friends, family, and neighbors. If you have already grabbed some but you picked up too many, please bring back the extras this Sunday so others can use them.