Q&A: How Much is Too Much?

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As we start another fellowship group and children’s ministry, the question has come up, “Are we doing too much because I can’t come to all of it?” It’s a fair question, but one that’s not keeping the church and the mission of Christ in the right view.

When a church is on the smaller side, it’s easy to be involved in everything going on. Often, people who are comfortable with this format subconsciously do things to keep the church small. He or she wants to midigate the feeling that he or she is not involved in everything and knows everyone. But think about what happened in the early Church when they went from 120 people to 3,000 in one day! There was no way they could know everyone, be a pot-lucks with everyone, or likely even worship with everyone together. They had to trust that God’s family (even in a local church) might mean each person was not involved in everything. It’s a bigger view of a church that’s bigger than one person.

As we seek to be more missional and grow in number, this multi-activity situation could easily become a reality. Not only might we have fellowship groups meeting on many nights of the week, we might have multiple fellowship groups, men’s ministry, women’s ministry, and ministry for young adults and children overlapping. It could be impossible to be involved in everything, but we hope and pray Jesus is, and it’s his church and his people. If many saints are doing the work of ministry, we’ll have many fellowship group leaders, men’s and women’s activities, one-on-one discipleship, seniors activities, and so-on. The pastors won’t be a bottleneck, which opens up many more opportunities for growth, learning, outreach, connection, and transformation.

But back to the original question. How does a person know how much to get involved in? That’s the subject of this Redeeming Life: Q&A video:

You can find more Q&A videos like these or ask your own question on our Redeeming Life: Q&A page.


Sermons from Good Shepherd Fellowship


"God's Instruction for Marriage" (1 Peter 3:1-7)