"Christian Unity" (1 Peter 3:8-22)
Our series, Stirred Up and Standing Firm has brought us to 1 Peter 3:8-22. In his sermon, “Christian Unity,” Pastor Bryan Catherman shows us that we are called to be unified to Jesus and his Bride, the Church. In this unity, the Christian and the Church may experience suffering because of the name of Jesus, but Jesus has already bore the weight of any judgement, thus making it no suffering at all. Peter reminded his readers of Noah and the flood. Why? Pastor Bryan deal with this connection, and he shows us why the prosperity gospel is no gospel at all. If you were not able to join us for worship, you can listen or watch the sermon, or even watch the entire live-stream.
Or watch the entire worship gathering, to include the announcement of ministries, reading, prayers, musical worship, sermon, and Lord’s Supper.
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