Announcement of Ministries for 6/26/2021
NICK ERICKSON | Nick Erickson, from Redemption Church in Ogden is our guest at the 6:30 PM Sunday night service. He is continuing in our series through the book of Mark. Sid, our intern is leading worship. We want to encourage you to come to the service for additional Bible study, prayer, praise, and fellowship. Or if you can’t attend a morning service, please consider being our guest at this service. (It’s not the same as the morning service.)
FORTH of JULY COOK OUT | Following on 6:30 PM worship service on July 4th, we’re having a cook out! Come worship with us at 6:30 PM and stay for hot dogs, ice cream, and fellowship. It will be at the church building right after the evening service. If you’d like help out, please let Pastor Bryan know.
BAPTISM | We have a baptism service coming up in the next few weeks. If you would like to follow Jesus in believer’s baptism, please let us know. We’d love to help you faithfully follow Jesus.
PRAY FOR THE MISSION TEAM | Ten members of our faith-family, to include 3 of our pastors, are in Nashville this week. They are working with our partner church. Please pray they are fruitful there. Also, pray that God would show them many thing for our church and our mission.
NEXT-GEN | Monday at 6:30, kids 5th grade and up are invited gathering for fun, fellowship, and Bible study at the church building. If you questions, please contact Pastor Josiah.
WHO ARE WE? | We are a church that hopes to see our community redeemed by the power of the gospel. Redeeming Life Church exists to know, live, and proclaim the gospel. We believe the God’s Word from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 is the inerrant story of the redemptive history of God—otherwise known as the gospel. To be people who are immersed in knowing, living, and proclaiming the gospel, we follow the instructions of Christ to love God, love people, and make disciples.
REALM | We use an online medium called Realm to stay informed and connected throughout the week. You can join groups that offer much more in your Christian journey. There’s a group for prayer requests, another for more Biblical study. There are fellowship groups and community connection groups. There’s also an app for easy mobile use. If you are not yet on Realm, you can sign up at If you sign up through the App, the “Invitation Code” is “rlc”.
INSTAGRAM | The fun thing about our Instagram account is the info we share. Want to keep up with the comings and goings of our faith-family? Follow us on Instagram!