Raising Support to Reach Utah Families
Families are big in Utah, and that makes families a big deal. We need to do more to serve the families we have at Redeeming Life Church, and we need to do more to reach Utah families for the gospel. To do so, our Elders and Church Council believe we need a dedicated minister to serve families, including children from birth through college.
At present, the Redeeming Life faith-family's financial giving does not support hiring a full-time person for this great mission. However, we believe that with some extra giving above and beyond our faithful offering, one-time donations, and support from believers and churches beyond our walls, we can support a minister to families and students. We also believe this person will greatly help our church grow and be supported by our church's giving in a year or two. Maybe sooner.
We're working on the specifics, but in the meantime, we are seeking financial supporters to help us serve and reach families in our community. If you would like to make a one-time or a reoccurring donation, you may give to our Pastor in Residence fund online by following this link or by giving to the Pastor in Residence fund in the dropdown option in Realm. You may also give by check by placing it in the offering box or plate, or by mailing it to the church building. If you give by check, be sure to put "Pastor in Residence" in the memo line.
Thank you for your faithful support!
But there's more to be said here . . . .
We struggle to keep families because we don’t have as much dedicated to families and family worship as we’d like. Pastor Josiah is doing an outstanding job with the limited time he has, but the bulk of his time must be given to his secular work.
If possible, it's our prayer that our minister to families and students might be Josiah Walker. We know he's called to ministry. Right now he’s bi-vocational but a day is coming when he’ll be full-time with a church somewhere. We hope it's with us. Josiah has lots and lots of ideas for our children and youth. He is overflowing with ideas for outreach to families. He just doesn't have time because of his full time job outside of the church. I’m praying that may change soon.
Providing Josiah with more time to serve at Redeeming Life benefits us and offers him opportunities to learn and grow. Who knows, maybe God will call him to plant a church or pastor in other areas around Utah someday? Until then, he could be putting together children's programs, youth plans, summer fun and learning, Bible studies for young people, mission team help, and a lot more. However, this only possible if he's afforded an opportunity to learn, grow, be equipped, and serve the local church more than he is now.
This approach is the same way Risen Life Church brought Pastor Bryan into full-time ministry. They raised support for a year and in that year, the church grew and could support him in-house after that. It’s the same approach we took with Pastor Robbie, and the church has tremendously grown in the last 6 months.
This is a risk, but we believe it's well worth it. We hope you might be willing to offer a little extra giving regularly, or maybe you have additional funds you'd like to give to Kingdom growth and ministry work at Redeeming Life Church. Maybe you are a church looking to partner with a mission-field church. This is a great way to help develop indigenous pastors and planters. It’s also a wonderful to get involved in domestic mission work. Might God be calling you to help us reach our mission field, which is full of families? We pray God is calling you to join us with financial support, but if not, will you join us in prayer that God will provide the resources?