Need Pulpit Supply or an Interim Pastor?

Pastors need to travel or be away from time to time. Sometimes, pastors need a break. A sabbatical might even be a way to recharge a pastor's batteries. Yet pulpits still need to be filled. And there are times when churches are in-between pastors. They need an interim pastor or preacher to serve for a while.     

Does your church need someone to fill in for a week or two? We can help. Maybe your pastor would like to sit under the preached Word with his family in his church for a Sunday? Or perhaps it's time you give your pastor a sabbatical for a month or two? Do you need an Interim Pastor for a season to help you transition as you seek your next pastor? 

Redeeming Life Church is happy to send Pastor Mike Pless (or others if Pastor Mike is unavailable) to preach God's Word and help you minister the gospel to your faith family. If your church can't cover the cost of his travel, we'll cover it. We'll even provide an honorarium if your church cannot do so. And if your pastor and his family need help or rest, we'd like to be a blessing to him and his family in other ways too! 

Churches in Utah and Idaho, please don't hesitate to contact us if you're in need, even if it may require an overnight stay. We want to be a blessing. Let's have a conversation

Pastor Mike is our Pastor Emeritus. He's a retired pastor and has been serving in Utah for over 25 years. He's willing to preach if invited, and he'll do so in line with our Statement of Faith (which you can follow the link to read). Find samples of his preaching in our sermon archives. He's received training in interim pastor and revitalization work and he’s pursuing additional training through Southwest Seminary.  

Please get in touch with us with your questions, needs, or to schedule a preacher to fill your pulpit. Follow this link to contact us

In addition, if you'd like to financially support our effort to bless churches in Utah and Idaho, you can contribute to our "Mission Support" fund by following this link. (Be sure to select the "Mission Support" fund in the dropdown. Or you may send checks to Redeeming Life Church with "Mission Support Fund" in the memo line. 


“The Challenges of Genuine Christian Ministry” (1 Thessalonians 2:1-12)


Announcement of Ministries for 1/9