Announcement of Ministries for 12/18
PREPARING FOR THE LORD’S DAY | As you anticipate our worship gathering on the Lord’s Day, consider praying for our service, reading the Text for the sermon, and preparing your heart and mind for worship with the Body of Christ. We’ll sing Hope of the Ages, God Be My Vision, O Come O Come Emanuel, Angels We Have Heard on High. Pastor Bryan is preaching the page between the Old and New Testaments, and we’ll respond with a time of guided, corporate prayer.
EVE OF EVE | Our Eve of Eve Christmas special is December 23rd at 6:30 PM. It features lots of festive, worshipful Christmas music, Scripture readings, prayers, and a brief Christmas message. We’ll also have treats and other Christmas fun. The event is one hour and there are no children’s services or childcare. We encourage you to invite your friends, family, and neighbors. Invitation cards are available in the lobby.
CHRISTMAS DAY BRUNCH | We will have our 11 AM worship service on Christmas Day, although there is no children’s ministry (including nursery). At 10:15 AM, we’ll gather for a Christmas day brunch in the Fellowship Hall. Please RSVP on Realm and sign up to bring an item if you’d like to fix something. We hope we see you there!
PASTOR BRYAN’S SABBATICAL | Pastor Bryan and the Catherman family will be on Sabbatical from December 26th to January 31st. This is a time for rest, prayer, spiritual renewal, reading, and other things that will equip Pastor Bryan for another decade of faithful ministry. In his absence, Pastor Josiah and Robbie are available.
ONLINE GIVING | If you would like to worship through faithful giving and give online, log into your Realm account and select the giving tab. If you’re not a Realm user, you may visit We appreciate your faithful giving and we hope you might consider setting up a reoccurring giving schedule.
KEEP UP WITH WHAT’S HAPPENING | Realm has email options that serve to keep you informed with what’s happening at Redeeming Life. Select your settings so you get everything in a specific group, just updates, or a daily digest (one email per day with a summary). The mobile app has options for push notifications. Realm is our official location for church announcements so if you want to keep up with what’s happening, Realm is where it’s at.
STRUGGLING? | If you are struggling under the weight of life’s circumstances, sin, or spiritual attack, you don’t have to go through it alone. God’s Church is his family and we are here to help. If you are struggling, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Fellowship Group Leader, another Covenant Member, or one of our Pastors. We will pray with you, walk alongside you, set up a time for Pastoral care or formal counseling. You are not alone.
LOTTIE MOON OFFERING | If you would like to make a donation to support the work of the International Mission Board mission work overseas, you may write your check to Redeeming Life Church and include “Lottie Moon Christmas Offering” in the memo line or give online. To make a tax-deductible donation on Realm, select the Special Mission Offerings drop-down option. Or you may text "RLC Special $" and the amount (following the $) to 73256. (Lottie Moon was a brave woman who served as an SBC missionary to China for over 40 years. This offering is named after her.)