Preachers' Lunch (April 30th)

On April 30th at noon, we are hosting our next Preachers' Lunch. Bring a brown bag lunch (or grab something on the way), and bring your Bible. There's no swag, no free books, and there's not even a provided lunch. It's just preaching. Come to fellowship and feast on the preached Word of God. After the sermon, we'll have a Q&A about the process of preparation, study, and preaching the sermon, among any other questions you may have.

Terry McIlvain is preaching this time.

We call this "Preachers' Lunch" but it's really for everyone. Those who are not preachers but came to the last Preachers' Lunch were edified by the preaching and seemed to really enjoy the Q&A afterwards. They said it was informative and interesting. Whether you are a preacher or not, plan on being there. And please feel free to invite a friend.


"A Good Work In You" (1 Thessalonians 5:12-28)


"Always with Jesus" (1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11)