"God Chose You" (2 Thessalonians 2:13-17)

On Sunday, Pastor Bryan Catherman preached 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17. In his sermon, “God Chose You,” he explored the reformed theology of 2 Thessalonians. First, Paul’s words on salvation were written to encourage us in light of the end times and judgement. Second, an examination of soteriology through the lenses of the 2nd chapter of Thessalonians offers us a remarkable understanding of God and how God works. He saves us, by his choice, through the power of the gospel. It’s about much more than the Calvinism vs. Arminian or Reformed vs. Free-Will debates. It’s about the outworking of God’s glory as seen in and through our salvation. When understood rightly, a reformed view of salvation or reformed soteriology, offers great comfort in this challenging world, even until the last day.

If you weren’t able to join us on Sunday or if you would like to see or hear the sermon again, it’s available in both audio and video. You can listen to the sermon below or wherever you listen to you favorite podcasts (search for “Sermons of Redeeming Life Church”).

If you would prefer to watch the sermon, you can watch just the sermon, or you can watch the full live-stream. Our 11 AM worship gathering is live-streamed for those who are unable to attend. We also record the full-live stream for later viewing. Watch just the sermon here:

If you would prefer to see the recording of the full live-stream, you can follow this link or watch below.

We would love to have you as our guest. We meet in Bountiful at 11 AM on Sunday mornings.

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"We're In This Together" (2 Thessalonians 3:1-5)


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