"But Peter Ran" (Luke 24:1-12)

The most shocking part of the resurrection story of Luke 24:1-12 is not that the tomb was empty. They should have expected that. No. The most shocking part is verse 11. The Apostles didn't believe. How does the same good news, the same gospel report, cause one to think it's foolish and another to believe? (1 Corinthians 1:18.) Pastor Bryan Catherman seeks to answer that question and many more in his Easter sermon, "But Peter Ran" (Luke 24:1-12). God sent his son to open the eyes of the blind and God draws people to himself.

If you weren’t able to be with us on Easter morning but you’d like to listen or watch the sermon, you can do so here. Listen to “But Peter Ran” (Luke 24:1-12) wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts or listen here:

Or you can watch the sermon here: (Find the full live-stream recording here.)

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Announcement of Ministries, 4/24


Crucified With Christ (Luke 23:32-43)