God is on the Move in our Children's Ministry!
Our children's ministry is growing, and I'm praising the Lord for that! I'm also incredibly thankful for all the hard work Pastor Josiah is doing to prepare for the growth and seek ways to increase the safety of our children's ministry. He is fulfilling his call to help equip parents to disciple their kids, and you'll see some of that this Sunday and in the coming months.
We now have a dedicated children's ministry area by moving the nursery. (It's no longer off of the lobby or near the front doors!) The rear doors will remain locked and be "exit only" doors for increased safety. He's working on finding and training volunteers to serve as an assistant and be in the hall to monitor and help. We've got an additional iPad for watching the cameras, so we'll be looking for more people for that task too. Coded stickers printed at check in will be used for added security, and very soon, we'll use the same code to notify parents during the worship service.
Ted and Pastor Josiah converted the bathroom between the kid's classes into a private diaper changing room for parents. It's awesome!
Very shortly, we'll move Pastor Josiah's office out of that back room to make space for a 2nd-5th grade class. (He'll move into my office, and I'll move into what was the old nursery. We'll be needing some help painting if you want to volunteer.) We have curriculum and the makings of a volunteer rotation for that class and are looking forward to starting it soon. NextGen (6th through 12th graders) is growing and occasionally using the Fellowship Hall on Monday nights rather than the classroom they are in.
We are working on a family-VBS-style event called "Fueled Up Families" (although the name is still subject to change). It will be June 27-29th, and with some mission-team help, we hope to have three nights of dinner, worship, games, fun, and learning sessions for the entire family. We also hope this may be an excellent outreach to a neighbor or work-family you know and would like to invite to join you.
A lot is happening in our children's ministry. Please keep all of this in your prayers. And by all means, if God is calling you to be a part of this mission, please, PLEASE talk with Pastor Josiah. We need volunteers in the classes, an assistant in the hall, and people watching the cameras on an iPad during the service. It would be on rotation, and it's not too demanding.
And volunteers, thank you for all you are doing to be a part and help us in this ministry! You are a blessing and I believe you are helping set a good foundation in the spiritual journey of the kids at Redeeming Life Church.
For the Kingdom!
Pastor Bryan