The 23rd Psalm: "I Have What I Need" (Psalm 23:1)
On Sunday, Pastor Bryan Catherman preached the first verse of the 23rd Psalm: “The Lord is my shepherd; I have what I need.” What does it mean that the Lord is my shepherd? He’s not "a" shepherd or "the" shepherd—he’s "my" shepherd. How should this inform our understanding of the relationship between the shepherd and the sheep? What about our relationship between Jesus and his redeemed people? Additionally, what does David mean when he says he has what he needs? Is this the prosperity gospel or is our need something beyond this world? What’s the difference between need and want? What does having the shepherd have to do with having what we need?
Psalm 23:1 is a rich verse worth our deeper thought and contemplation.
This sermon is the second in a 7-week series through the 23rd Psalm. If you weren’t able to join us in person, you can still listen to the sermon wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts, or listen here:
You can also watch the sermon our our YouTube channel or watch here:
Finally, if you’d like to see the entire sermon, which includes the announcement of ministries, Scripture reading, call to worship, prayers, musical worship, the sermon, and even the participation in the Lord’s Table, you can see the recording of the full live-stream here:
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