We're Growing and We Need Your Help!

We're growing. How awesome is God! But our space is limited, so it can be difficult for larger families, guests, and those arriving late to find seating. We need your help!

To provide more seating, we've removed the center aisle but widened the side aisles and wings. Please, please, please, sit toward the front and move into the middle. This will make it much easier for guests and latecomers to find seating. If you sit in the wings, please move toward the windows to free up the aisle seating.

We've also had to make some changes in the lobby. The coffee is moved to what was the connection desk. Children's handouts and other materials are still available, and there's plenty of room to fix your coffee. However, after you've got coffee, please move aside or head to your seat so others can get coffee. We've also moved the standing tables. The sign-up for the Senior Luncheon is on the lobby table where the coffee was.

Finally, with so many people, it's important not to stop and chat in the aisles and doorways. Don't stop at the sound booth to chat. This makes it challenging for people to move through the building. And please be sure your children are not sitting, playing, or lying in the aisles.

Thank you for telling others about Redeeming Life. Thank you for bringing friends and family. Thank you for serving. And thank you for helping us be more hospitable by being mindful of our space.

This has been the next step in our plan for growth and we reached it a bit faster than we expected.  Please continue to pray for our outreach and pray that more and more of us would grow in the Lord and be more committed to gathering with God's people every week on the Lord's Day.   Pray that God will spiritually grow and transform every person who sits in one of these seats.  


Announcement of Ministries 2/5/2023


The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)