Announcement of Ministries 2/12/23

PREPARING FOR THE LORD’S DAY | As you anticipate our worship gathering on the Lord’s Day, consider praying for our service, reading the text for the sermon, and preparing your heart and mind for worship with the Body of Christ. We’ll sing The Everlasting Love of God, God is For Us, Good and Gracious King, and Colossians 1. Pastor Bryan will be preaching on Romans 8:12-17, and we will be taking the Lord’s Supper together as well.

SENIOR LUNCHEON | The next Senior Luncheon is scheduled for Monday, February 13th, at 11:30am in the RLC Fellowship Hall. The food is provided, and we’ll be writing messages of encouragement to those who are shut-ins or recovering from illness. Please join us for fellowship and fun. Don’t forget to invite a friend! Please RSVP on Realm or sign up in the lobby so we get a good count for the food.

PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS | Are you new to Redeeming Life Church? Do you have questions? Join Pastor Bryan and Pastor Josiah for lunch, conversation, and story sharing. Our next Pizza with the Pastors is February 19th, following the Sunday morning service, at the church building. If you’re interested, please let Pastor Bryan or Pastor Josiah know so we can be sure to have lunch for you!

WE NEED HELP IN THE CHILDREN’S MINISTRY | Here’s a great opportunity to serve and preach the gospel to the next generation of the Church. Please consider volunteering in the Nursery, Pre-K, or older kids’ classes. We also need people to monitor the cameras on an iPad during the service or serve as the Children’s Ministry Assistant. Service will be on rotation, certainly not every week or as often as you might think. Please contact Pastor Josiah for more info.

BAPTISM | If you would like to follow Jesus in believer’s baptism, please let us know. We’d love to help you faithfully follow Jesus.

TEXT GIVING | If you would like to worship through faithful giving and use text messaging to do it, send “RLC” to 73256 for a form you can use from your phone. You will promptly receive a response with instructions and a secure link to follow. The system will send you a secure link to complete your transaction and send you a giving receipt. This will also allow your donation to be tracked in our system so we can provide you with tax info in January.

KEEP UP WITH WHAT’S HAPPENING | Realm has email options that serve to keep you informed with what’s happening at Redeeming Life. Select your settings so you get everything in a specific group, just updates, or a daily digest (one email per day with a summary). The mobile app has options for push notifications. Realm is our official location for church announcements so if you want to keep up with what’s happening, Realm is where it’s at.

ACTS 11 FUND | In Acts 11, the church in Antioch took up an offering to help the brothers and sisters in the church in Jerusalem. A famine hit the community and they were struggling. We use our “Acts 11 Fund” to help brothers and sisters in need. Right now, our fund is low. If you would like to donate to the Acts 11 Fund, log into your Realm account and select the giving tab. Select the Acts 11 Fund in the dropdown options. If you’re not a Realm user, you may visit You may also give my check or cash in a marked envelope. Be sure to indicate “Acts 11” on the memo line. We appreciate your faithful giving.

BIBLE STUDY ESSENTIALS | We believe studying God’s Word is extremely important. To assist you with a simple but good method for Bible study, we provide the Bible Study Essentials Bookmark. It’s free and available on the Connection Counter. Grab a bookmark and a friend and start your journey through the Bible together!

NEED PRAYER? | Do you have a prayer request and would like our pastoral staff to pray for you? You may email your prayer requests to or text (385) 368-6665.


You're Saved, Child (Romans 8:12-17)


Sin Has No Hold (Romans 8:1-11)