Announcement of Ministries 1/28/24
PREPARING FOR THE LORD’S DAY | As you anticipate our worship gathering on the Lord’s Day, consider praying for our service, reading the text for the sermon, and preparing your heart and mind for worship with the Body of Christ. We’ll be singing To God Be the Glory, The Great Exchange, Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me, and For The Cause. We are continuing our sermon series “When the Gospel Goes” through the book of Acts, and Pastor Bryan will be delivering a message centered on Acts 14:21-28. We will also respond to the preached word by partaking in the Lord’s Supper together.
FAMILY MEETING | Our next family meeting is January 28th at 4:00pm. We will be voting on the changes to our constitution and bylaws that were presented during our November Family Meeting. All members are encouraged to attend.
FRIDAY NIGHT SERVICE | Mark your calendars and plan to attend our Friday Night Service starting Friday February 2nd, from 6:30pm-8:00pm in the chapel. We will have a time of worship, a small devotional, and an in-depth sermon as we examine the book of Revelation. There will be light refreshments and tables in the back reserved for families with small children.
MONTHLY MEN’S BREAKFAST | On the first Saturday of every month at 8 AM, the Men of Redeeming Life are gathering at Penny Ann’s restaurant (234 S 500 W Suite 101, West Bountiful, UT 84010) for breakfast and fellowship. Each guy covers the cost of his own breakfast.
Please RSVP and let your yes be yes or no be no for the sake of the count and working well with the restaurant. This is also a mission opportunity so be kind to your server and tip really well. Then they'll be happy to have our church guys back.
MINISTER IN RESIDENCE | In an effort to train up local pastors, we raise money to bring them on staff or help pay for their education, or both. If you’d like to give in addition to your faith-giving, you can give to the Minister in Residence fund in Realm or to We greatly appreciate one-time gifts and reoccurring commitments. You can also give by texting "RLC residence” to 73256 for a form you can use from your phone. You will promptly receive a response with instructions and a secure link to follow.
SALTYBELIEVER.COM | Pastor Bryan keeps a website called The site features lots of Bible study and discipleship resources, videos, classes, and podcast called “Salty Believer Unscripted.”
CSB BIBLE TRANSLATION |While we love many Bible translations at Redeeming Life Church, officially, we preach out of the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). It’s not that we think this translation is perfect or the best, but that we settled on a specific translation, so you could bring a Bible and follow along during the sermon. We also like both the CSB Study Bible and the ESV Study Bible, although we don’t argue that either are perfect.
THANK YOU FOR GIVING |Thank you for your faithful giving on Sunday, by mail, text giving, and on Realm. Your faithfulness keeps our ministry serving the Kingdom. Thank you!
NEED PRAYER? | Do you have a prayer request and would like our pastoral staff to pray for you? You may email your prayer requests to or text (385) 368-6665.