Announcement of Ministries 2/4/2024

PREPARING FOR THE LORD’S DAY | As you anticipate our worship gathering on the Lord’s Day, consider praying for our service, reading the text for the sermon, and preparing your heart and mind for worship with the Body of Christ. We’ll be singing Grace Greater Than Our Sin, My Faith Has Found A Resting Place, Jesus Paid It All (Christ I Owe) Nothing But The Blood, and We Are One. We are continuing our sermon series “When the Gospel Goes” through the book of Acts, and Pastor Bryan will be delivering a message centered on Acts 15:1-35. We will also respond to the preached word by partaking in the Lord’s Supper together.
FRIDAY NIGHT SERVICE | Mark your calendars and plan to attend our Friday Night Service. We meet each week from 6:30pm-8:00pm in the Chapel. We will have a time of worship, a small devotional, and an in-depth sermon as we examine the book of Revelation. There will be light refreshments and tables in the back reserved for families with small children.

SENIOR LUNCHEON | The next Senior Luncheon is scheduled for Monday, February 12th, at 11:30am in the Fellowship Hall. Grab a friend and join us for a time of fellowship and fun. Please RSVP on Realm or sign up in the lobby so we have an accurate count for lunch. See you there

GREETERS NEEDED | We are looking for faithful servants who would like to open doors, assist seniors, direct families to check in, welcome guest, and be a friendly face to welcome our church on Sunday mornings. If you’re interested and feel that God might be calling you to serve our faith-family, please contact Pastor Josiah.

ACTS 11 FUND | In Acts 11, the church in Antioch took up an offering to help the brothers and sisters in the church in Jerusalem. A famine hit the community and they were struggling. We use our “Acts 11 Fund” to help brothers and sisters in need. If you would like to donate to the Acts 11 Fund, log into your Realm account and select the giving tab. Select the Acts 11 Fund in the dropdown options. If you’re not a Realm user, you may visit You may also give my check or cash in a marked envelope. Be sure to indicate “Acts 11” on the memo line. We appreciate your faithful giving.

FACEBOOK | The fun thing about our Facebook page is all the photos and videos we share. Want to keep up with the comings and goings of our faith-family? Follow us on Facebook!

INSTAGRAM | The fun thing about our Instagram account is the info we share. Want to keep up with the comings and goings of our faith-family? Follow us on Instagram!

SERMON PODCAST & LIVE STREAM | In the event that you miss a Sunday sermon because you are serving, feeling sick, or are otherwise unable to be with us for the service all-together, you can always find the live-stream, full service videos, sermon videos, and audio recordings on our website at We also live-stream on YouTube at 11 AM.

BAPTISM | If you would like to follow Jesus in believer’s baptism, please let us know. We’d love to help you faithfully follow Jesus.

NEED PRAYER? | Do you have a prayer request and would like our pastoral staff to pray for you? You may email your prayer requests to or text (385) 368-6665.


The First Friday Night Service


When the Going Gets Tough (Acts 14:21-28)