“The Spirit-Filled Seven” (Acts 6:1-7)

What happens when conflict breaks out in the church? How can we peacefully resolve issues with fellow believers? Why is it important to squash grumblings in the church before the gossip spreads? How can disagreements in the church affect our witness in the community?

In his sermon “The Spirit-Filled Seven,” centered on Acts 6:1-7, Pastor Josiah answered these questions and others like them as he explained the importance of being unified as a church around the gospel. Whenever issues or problems arise in the church, it is important that we seek reconciliation and understanding with others.

If left unchecked, small frustrations can become huge disagreements that split the church and destroy our Christian witness in the community. It is important that as believers, we look to Christ and seek to be more like Him each day. Listen to the sermon here:

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Announcement of Ministries 10/20/24


Announcement of Ministries 10.13.24