“Chosen & Sent” (Acts 9:1-31)
What does it look like to be chosen by God? How do we know if we have been sent by him to spread the gospel? How can we be equipped with the tools necessary to share good news with others?
In his sermon, “Chosen & Sent,” centered on Acts 9:1-31, Pastor Jeff Winters (Guest Preacher) answers these questions by sharing how Saul, later called Paul, was chosen by God to share the gospel and advance God’s Kingdom to the ends of the earth.
Because of Paul’s faithfulness to answer God’s call and follow the Holy Spirit’s leading, the church in Judea and the surrounding areas grew as the people were strengthened by the Lord. In the same way, when we too are obedient to God’s commands, those around us can be encouraged and strengthened in their faith just like we see in the book of Acts.
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