Announcement of Ministries | 12.08
PREPARING FOR THE LORD’S DAY | As you anticipate our worship gathering on the Lord’s Day, consider praying for our service, reading the text for the sermon, and preparing your heart and mind for worship with the Body of Christ. We’ll be singing O Come Let Us Adore Him, This Is Amazing Grace, How Deep the Father’s Love For Us, and Here I Am To Worship. We are continuing our “Christmas at Redeeming Life” series as Pastor Josiah delivers a message centered on Luke 1:5-38, and we will respond to the preached word by taking part in the Lord’s Supper together.
SENIOR LUNCHEON | The next Senior Luncheon is scheduled for Monday, December 9th, at 11:30am in the Fellowship Hall. Grab a friend and join us for a time of fellowship and fun. Please RSVP on Realm or sign up in the lobby so we have an accurate count for lunch. See you there.
LADIES’ NIGHT OUT | Mark your calendars!!! Our next Ladies Night Out will be on December 19th at 6:30pm. This month, the ladies of RLC will be venturing to the Olive Garden in Bountiful! On the third Thursday of every month, the ladies of Redeeming Life get together at 6:30pm for a delicious meal and a time of fellowship. (every month the location varies.) Each person covers the cost of their own meal. For more information or to register for this event, please visit the post on Realm.
EVE OF EVE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL | Join us on Monday December 23rd, at 7:00pm for an evening of music, scripture, and holiday sweets. Don’t forget to grab some invite cards from the lobby to give out to friends, family, and neighbors as well. See you there!
LOTTIE MOON OFFERING | If you would like to make a donation to support the work of the International Mission Board mission work overseas, you may write your check to Redeeming Life Church and include “IMB” or “Lottie Moon Christmas Offering” in the memo line or give online by selecting “Special Offerings” in the drop-down list. Or you may text "RLC SBC $" and the amount (following the $) to 73256. (Lottie Moon was a brave woman who served as an SBC missionary to China for over 40 years. This offering is named after her.)
THANK YOU FOR GIVING | Thank you for your faithful giving on Sunday, by mail, text giving, and on Realm. Your faithfulness keeps our ministry serving the Kingdom. Thank you!
SERMONS ON ALEXA | Do you have an Amazon Echo Dot or Alexa app? If so, you can say, “Alexa, play sermons from Redeeming Life Church podcast” and hear the latest sermons recently preached at Redeeming Life Church.
FACEBOOK | The fun thing about our Facebook page is all the photos and videos we share. Want to keep up with the comings and goings of our faith-family? Follow us on Facebook!
INSTAGRAM | The fun thing about our Instagram account is the info we share. Want to keep up with the comings and goings of our faith-family? Follow us on Instagram!
STRUGGLING? | If you are struggling under the weight of life’s circumstances, sin, or spiritual attack, you don’t have to go through it alone. God’s Church is his family, and we are here to help. If you are struggling, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Fellowship Group Leader, another Covenant Member, or one of our Pastors. We will pray with you, walk alongside you, set up a time for Pastoral care or formal counseling. You are not alone.
NEED PRAYER? | Do you have a prayer request and would like our pastoral staff to pray for you? You may email your prayer requests to or text (385) 368-6665.