“Heritage of Faith” (2 Timothy 1:1-7)

Join us this week as we begin a new study through the book of 2nd Timothy. In his sermon, 'Heritage of Faith,' based on 2 Timothy 1:1-7, Pastor Josiah explores Paul’s heartfelt encouragement to Timothy to remain steadfast in faith and endure challenges for the sake of the gospel. This message emphasizes the importance of passing down a 'heritage of faith' and persevering through hardship. It invites us to reflect on how we can nurture and sustain our own faith in the face of adversity while challenging us to pray for one another, encourage each other, and hold tightly to the gospel as we seek to finish the race set before us.

May you be blessed by this sermon!

You can listen to the sermon here:

Or you can watch the sermon here:

This sermon was preached at Redeeming Life Church on Sunday, January 5, 2025.
Copyright 2025 Redeeming Life Church.

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Announcement of Ministries | 01.05