The Harris Dedication

September 29, 2014

I'd like to congratulate Zak and Tracy Harris for public covenanting to raise their daughter, Noel, up in the ways of the Lord.

As we discussed on Sunday night, parenting is a grand mission opportunity.  Two missionaries live in the same house with one or more other people (aka, their children), where they serve and proclaim the gospel every day in word and deed. Noel, like the rest of us, is a sinner in need of a savior. Zak and Tracy know this and deeply desire to show Noel the love of Christ.

In addition, our church family has covenanted to walk along side the Harris family in this endeavor. It's my prayer (and I hope you'll join me in this prayer), that we get to witness Noel grow up to love Jesus, be baptized, and faithfully serve Jesus her entire life.  Let's also remember to keep Zak and Tracy in our prayers!

You can listen to the Harris dedication here.

Soli Deo Gloria!
Pastor Bryan

Serving at the Senior Expo


Romans 2:1-11