Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Redeeming Life Church,

On December 24th at 6:00, we will be joining Risen Life Church (our sending church) and Gateway Community Church (a partner church) for a Christmas Eve candlelight service at Risen Life Church.

This will be a beautiful time to celebrate the birth of our Savior, fellowship, and even meet people from our sending and partner churches.   The service runs less than an hour but it's packed with worship, a children's sermon, a brief sermon, and a wonderful group candle lighting. It has always been a memorable service and a highlight of our Christmas celebration.  In addition, this is a really good service to bring friends and family too.

Redeeming Life Church will be holding seats in a section so we can all sit together.  If you're coming, please let Benjamin Pierce know how many seats to save for you. He can be reached at (601) 720-5213 or  Or you can catch him at our Sunday night gatherings.

Merry Christmas,

Pastor Bryan

*Photo by Gerd Altmann is available for download by donation at 

My First Six Months


Psalm 98: Joy!