Update 12/28/2014

Redeeming Life Church,

I hope your Christmas celebrations were filled with joy this year!  We'll be talking about 2015 and the upcoming year for Redeeming Life.  I hope you'll join us (but if not, the sermon will be available on our website and iTunes).

Here are some things to be aware of this week:

Service Time Change: Our service time is changing to 4pm Sunday nights starting Sunday, January 4, 2015.  We hope you've been faithfully giving out service time cards, but you'll need new ones with the new time.  Those should be available next week. Please remember to toss your old ones, grab new ones, and give them out to as many people as you can.

Prayer Time Change: To adjust for the service time change, our prayer time will move to 3:00pm on Sundays.  Prayer is very important and we want to be a people of prayer.  This is one of our corporate prayer times and we'd love to have you join us.  Also, if there are ways the staff can be praying for you, please fill out the prayer section of the bulletin and drop in it the offering or email us here.

Children’s Ministry Change: Starting January 4th, we will only offer children’s ministry during our Sunday Gathering for toddlers (walking) through pre-school. All other children will worship with the adults. We’ll dismiss the kids from our service but they need to be checked in order to be released.  We need volunteers for this ministry, especially if we ever want to expand this ministry.  If you're interested, please contact Kelly Wilcox to sign up.

Family Huddle: We’ll host a family devotional and discussion Sundays at 3:30pm. Everybody is welcome and children are highly encouraged!  The preaching pastor will meet before the service to chat (at a kid-friendly level) before the service.  This will not only help the kiddos better understand the sermon, it may help the parents pick up some tips for better biblical teaching in the home.

Church Prospectus: Our church prospectus is available in the back after the service. Please feel free to take one.  It includes our theology, mission, and plan for launching Redeeming Life Church in the northwest quadrant of the Salt Lake valley.

Giving Online:  Risen Life Church is our sending church so all checks must be written to Risen Life Church with Redeeming Life Church (or Redeeming Life Missionary Fund) written in the memo line.  They have made it easier to give online (either for your tithe and offering or if you'd like to support a missionary working with Redeeming Life).  To give online, please find the link and instructions on our website or click here.

I pray 2015 will be an amazing year for Redeeming Life Church.  I hope you'll join me in this prayer.

Happy New Year!
Pastor Bryan

Shepherd in Your Home: Measures of New Grace in a New Year


Romans 5:1-11